Ensure accurate listings on Google and Facebook to maximize your reach

Introduce your brand

With your business information accessible all across the web, rest assured knowing your information is accurate and up to date.

Accurate business information builds trust

First impressions matter and having correct, up to date information about your business is crucial for several reasons. Accurate information leads to credibility and trust with potential customers. Out dated information can make your business appear unprofessional or unreliable. With Nina Carrera, we ensure that the first point of contact between your business and potential customer is always updated with correct information that secures a lasting first impression.

How can we help?

Create an online listing page with the correct information for your business. We will gather all of the necessary information to create your Google and Facebook business pages.

Correct and manage information on your current online listings with us. We make sure your information is correct and up to date across all platforms.

Listings management is an ongoing process. It’s important to have if you are just starting out in your business or if you want to ensure that all of your current listings are displaying the correct information.

80% of people lose faith in a local business when their online listings show incorrect information.

Why choose us?

At Nina Carrera we understand the importance of brand presence. We specialize in getting your brand on all major social media platforms to ensure you connect with your target audience effectively. Social media pages serve as dynamic platforms for communication, engagement, promotion, and community-building, helping your brand meet a wide range of personal, organizational, and business objectives.


  • Post a mix of content types, including photos, videos, stories, articles, and infographics. Nina Carrera can help you get all your profiles established to make sure you can post updates about your products or services.

  • The platforms you choose should depend on your target audience and business goals. Popular options include Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest and TikTok. Each platform has unique features and caters to different demographics. Nina Carrera will help you establish profiles and a bio for each and create a cohesive brand for your audience to recognize!

  • Yes! Managing business profiles is actually one of the first services Nina Carrera ever provided. We will help you create and design a page that is cohesive with your brand image.

  • It is important to keep your personal social media profiles separate from your business unless your personal is your brand. Social media platforms are essential for building brand awareness, engaging with customers, driving website traffic, and generating leads. They provide a space to showcase your products or services, interact with your audience, and gain valuable customer insights.